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View of part of Moscow before the Napoleonic invasion. For enlargement see below.



(In this edition he is called Yevgeny Onegin).


The Russian text is printed both  in image format, and as plain Russian script.  Errors in the Image version I hope have been corrected in the plain text below.   Two or three stanzas are printed on each page, with the English translation alongside.


"Мой дядя самых честных правил,
Когда не в шутку занемог,
Он уважать себя заставил
И лучше выдумать не мог.
Его пример другим наука;
Но, боже мой, какая скука
С больным сидеть и день и ночь,
Не отходя ни шагу прочь!
Какое низкое коварство
Полу-живого забавлять,
Ему подушки поправлять,
Печально подносить лекарство,
Вздыхать и думать про себя:
Когда же чорт возьмет тебя!"


"My uncle, a most worthy gentleman,
When he fell seriously ill,
By snuffing it made us all respect him,
Couldn't have done better if he tried.
His behaviour was a lesson to us all.
But, God above, what crushing boredom
To sit with the malingerer night and day
Not moving even one footstep away.
What demeaning hypocrisy
To amuse the half-dead codger,
To fluff up his pillows, and then,
Mournfully to bring him his medicine;
To think to oneself, and to sigh:
When the devil will the old rascal die?"



Так думал молодой повеса,
Летя в пыли на почтовых,
Всевышней волею Зевеса
Наследник всех своих родных.
Друзья Людмилы и Руслана!
С героем моего романа
Без предисловий, сей же час
Позвольте познакомить вас:
Онегин, добрый мой приятель,
Родился на брегах Невы,
Где, может быть, родились вы
Или блистали, мой читатель;
Там некогда гулял и я:
Но вреден север для меня .





So thought our young ne'er-do-well
Flying through the dust on a mail coach.
By the supreme will of Zeus
He was the inheritor of all his kin.
Good friends of Ludmilla and Ruslan!
With the hero of my romance
Allow me to make you acquainted
Without further prelude,this very instant.
Onegin, my good Sir or Madam,
Was born on the banks of the Neva,
Where perhaps you too were born,
Or made your name, my dearest reader.
There too I once enjoyed myself,
But North winds are damaging to my health.




Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow.

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