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drama of country life in four acts. ACT
FOUR Uncle
Vanya’s room. This is where he sleeps, but it is also the estate office. By the
window there is a large table with account ledgers and papers of all sorts, a
high desk, cupboards, scales. A smaller table for Dr. Astrov, and on it
equipment for drawing and some paints, beside it a portfolio. A cage for
starlings. On the wall a map of Africa, evidently of no use to anyone here. A
huge divan upholstered in imitation leather. On the left a door leading into
another room; on the right a door into the hall. Beside the right hand door a
door mat so that workmen may wipe their feet. An autumn evening. It is quiet. Telyegin
and Marina are seated facing each other and winding a ball of wool for
knitting. TELYEGIN Hurry up Marina. They’ll soon be calling us to
say goodbye. They’ve already sent for the horses to be harnessed. MARINA (Tries to wind the wool more quickly.)
There’s only a little left. TELYEGIN
They’re going to Kharkov. They plan to live there. MARINA It’ll
be far better. TELYEGIN
They got a scare... Elena Andreyevna said “I can’t live here another
minute... We’ll go whatever... We’ll stay in Kharkov and find somewhere, then
we’ll send for our things.” They’re travelling light. Evidently, Marina, it is
not their fate to live here. Fate decrees it not. MARINA Better
that way. That recent racket they raised, the shooting – it was shameful! TELYEGIN
Yes, a subject worthy of the brush of Ayvasovsky. MARINA Would
that my eyes had never seen it. (Pause.)
We’ll live again as we did before. Tea in the morning
at eight. Dinner at one. In the evening supper and sitting down to rest. All in
due order, as with decent people... Christians. (With a sigh.) It’s so long since I’ve had noodle soup, sinner that
it’s a long time since we’ve had it. (Pause.)
Just now... This morning, Marina Timofeyevna, one of
the shopkeepers in the village called after me “Hey, you! Parasite, hanger on!”
It hurt me a lot. MARINA Pay no
attention to it, dear boy. We are all hangers on in the eyes of God. You, and
Sonya, and Vanya – none of us must sit idle, we all have to work. All of us.
Where is Sonya? TELYEGIN In
the garden. Still looking round with the doctor, searching for Uncle Vanya.
They’re afraid that he might lay hands on himself. MARINA And
where’s his pistol? TELYEGIN (In a whisper.) I hid it in the cellar. MARINA (With a laugh.) You sinner! (Uncle
Vanya and Astrov come in from outside.) UNCLE VANYA
Leave me alone! (To Marina and
Telyegin.) Leave this room, give me
at least an hour of peace! I can’t stand being watched. TELYEGIN
Right away Vanya. (Goes out on
tiptoe.) MARINA Goose!
Quack, quack, quack! UNCLE VANYA
Leave me in peace! ASTROV With
the greatest pleasure. I should have left long ago, but, I shall repeat it, I
will not go until you return what you have taken from me. UNCLE VANYA I
haven’t taken anything. ASTROV Look,
seriously speaking, don’t detain me any longer. I need to get away. UNCLE VANYA
I’ve taken nothing from you. (Both
of them sit down.) ASTROV
Really. In that case I’ll wait a little longer, and after that,
unfortunately, I’ll have to use force. We’ll have to restrain you and then do a
search. I’m totally serious about this. UNCLE VANYA
As you wish. (Pause.)
To make such a fool of myself. To fire twice and
miss both times! I shall never forgive myself! ASTROV If you
were so keen to go shooting, you should have taken a shot at your own forehead.
UNCLE VANYA (Shrugs his shoulders.) It’s strange. I
tried to kill somebody and I have not been arrested, not been charged. That
means they must think I am mad. (He
laughs bitterly.) I am mad, but those are not mad who hide their lack of
talent, their stupidity, their crying heartlessness under the guise of a
professor or that of a pompous pedantic sage. They are not mad who marry old
men and then deceive them openly for all to see. I saw it, I saw how you kissed
her. ASTROV Yes, I
kissed her, and this to you. (Cocks a
snook at him, i.e. puts his thumb o his nose.) UNCLE VANYA (Looking at the door.) No, it’s the
earth that’s mad, it still allows us to live on it. ASTROV That’s
just stupid. UNCLE VANYA
Well then, I’m mad, I’m irresponsible, I have the right to say such
things. ASTROV That’s
an old story. You’re not mad, you’re just a weirdo. A simpleton. Previously I
used to think that every weirdo was mental, abnormal, but now I think that the
normal condition of a human being is to be a weirdo. You’re entirely normal. UNCLE VANYA (Covers his face with his hands.) It’s
so shameful! If you could only know how ashamed I feel. This deep feeling of
shame is worse than any illness. (In
anguish.) It’s unbearable! (Leans his
head on the table.) What am I to do? What am I to do? ASTROV Nothing.
Give me something. My God, my God! I’m forty seven. Suppose I live to
sixty, I still have another thirteen years left. What an age! How can I survive
thirteen years? What can I do? How can I fill up the time? Just think... (He presses Astrov’s hand nervously.)
Just think, if it were possible to live the remainder of one’s life in some new
fashion. To wake some bright, peaceful morning and to feel that you had started
life again, that all the past was forgotten, vanishing away like smoke. (He sobs.) To start a new life... Give
me some idea how to start... what to begin with... ASTROV (Annoyed.) That’s enough! What would we
be doing with a new life! Our condition is hopeless, yours and mine. UNCLE VANYA
Hopeless? ASTROV I’m
sure of it. UNCLE VANYA
Give me some something at least... (Indicating
his heart.) It burns so here. ASTROV (Shouts angrily.) Stop it! (More gently.) Those who live a hundred
or two hundred years after us and who will despise us because we lived our
lives so crassly and brutishly – they perhaps will find the means to be happy,
but we... For you and I there is only one hope. The hope that, when we are
peacefully resting in our graves, visions will come upon us, perhaps even
pleasant ones. (Sighing.) Yes, brother. In the whole province there
were only two decent, intelligent men: you and I. But in the space of ten years
or so the nasty, despicable provincial life has sucked us down. It has poisoned
our blood with its putrid, foetid miasma, and we have become as vulgar and
common as the rest. (In a lively tone.)
But that’s enough, don’t try to distract me. Give me back what you’ve taken. UNCLE VANYA
I haven’t taken anything from you. ASTROV You’ve
taken a bottle of morphine from my medicine chest. (Pause.)
Look, if you want for some reason or other to do
away with yourself, then go off into the forest and shoot yourself there. Give
me back the morphine, otherwise there’ll be talk and conjectures that I gave it
to you... It’s enough for me that I’ll have to do the post mortem. Do you think there’s much fun in that? (Enter
Leave me in peace! ASTROV (To Sonya.) Sofya Alexandrovna, your
uncle has pinched a bottle of morphine from my medicine chest and he won’t give
it back. Would you tell him that it’s not a joke. And I haven’t the time. I
have got to leave. SONYA Uncle
Vanya, have you taken the morphine? (Pause.)
taken it. I’m convinced he has. SONYA Give it
back. Why are you terrifying us all? (Tenderly.)
Give it back, Uncle Vanya. I, perhaps am just as unhappy as you, however I am
not giving in to despair. I endure it and will continue to do so until my life
comes to an end of itself. You must also endure. (Pause.)
Give it back! (Kisses
his hands.) Dear, wonderful, gentle Uncle, give it back. You’re a good man,
you’ll take pity on us and give it back. Endure, Uncle, endure! UNCLE VANYA (Takes a bottle from the drawer of the table
and gives it to Astrov.) Here, take it. (To
Sonya.) But we must start work right away, do something as soon as
possible, otherwise I will not manage, I won’t be able to cope... SONYA Yes,
yes, we must work. As soon as we have seen them off we’ll get down to it. (She anxiously starts sorting through the
papers on the table.) Everything is in such a mess. ASTROV (Puts the bottle in his medicine bag and
then closes it securely.) Now I can get on my way. ELENA ANDREYEVNA
Uncle Vanya, you’re here? We are just going to leave... Do go and see
Alexander, he has something to say to you. SONYA Come on
Uncle Vanya. Let’s go. (Takes Uncle Vanya
by the arm.) You and papa must make peace. It’s absolutely necessary. (Sonya
and Uncle Vanya leave.) ELENA ANDREYEVNA
I’m leaving. (Holds out her hand.)
Goodbye. ASTROV So
The horses are already harnessed. ASTROV
You promised me that you would leave here today. ASTROV I
remember. I’m leaving now. (Pause.)
Were you scared? (Takes
her hand.) Was it so terrifying? ELENA ANDREYEVNA
could still stay. What do you say? Tomorrow, in the copse... ELENA ANDREYEVNA
No... It’s all settled... The only reason I can look at you so
confidently is because it’s all settled... But I would ask one thing of you:
think well of me. I would like it if you respected me. ASTROV Achh! (With a gesture of impatience.) Drop it,
for heaven’s sake. You must realise that there is nothing for you to do on this
earth, your life has no aim, nothing grabs your attention, so, sooner or later
you’ll give way to your feelings – that’s inevitable. Better to do that here,
in the lap of nature, rather than in Kharkov or Kursk... At least it’s poetic,
even beautiful... Here we have forests, and half ruined mansions that appealed
How amusing you are. I am angry with you, but all the same... I’ll
remember you with pleasure. You’re an interesting, original man. We’ll never
meet each other again, and so – why should I hide it? I was carried away by you
a little bit. Well, let’s shake each other’s hands and part friends. Remember
the good things. ASTROV (Shakes her hand.) Yes, you must go... (Thoughtfully.) It’s as if you’re a
good, sensitive person, but also as if there’s something strange in your entire
being. You came here with your husband and everyone who worked here, beavered
away, created something, they all had to throw aside their work and occupy
themselves the whole summer with your husband’s gout and you. Both of you, he
and you, infected us with your idleness. I was carried away. For a whole month
I did nothing, and in the meantime people fell ill, In my woods the peasants
set their cattle to graze on the young saplings... It seems as if wherever you
and your husband set foot you bring ruin... I am joking of course, but all the
same... It’s strange, but I’m convinced that if you stayed here there would be
widespread devastation. I myself would perish, and you wouldn’t escape either.
Well, you must set off. Finita la
(Takes a pencil from the table and
quickly hides it.) I’ll take this pencil as a keepsake. ASTROV It’s
strange... We got to know each other and suddenly for some reason... we won’t
ever meet again. That’s how it is on this earth... While nobody’s here, while
Uncle Vanya does not come in with his bouquet, let me... have one kiss... a
farewell... Yes? (He kisses her on the
cheek.) Well, there you are... Excellent. ELENA ANDREYEVNA
I wish you all the best. (She
looks round.) Well, whatever. For once in my life! (She quickly embraces and kisses him and the two then rapidly part from
each other.) I must be going. ASTROV Leave
quickly. If the horses are ready then set off straight away. ELENA ANDREYEVNA
It seems they’re coming this way. (Bothe
of them listen.) ASTROV Finita! (Serebryakov,
Uncle Vanya, Maria Vasilyevna with a book, Telyegin and Soya enter.) SEREBRYAKOV
Whoever remembers bad things, let him lose an eye. After all that has
happened in the last few hours, I experienced so much and thought over so much,
it seems that I could write a whole
tract for the edification of posterity about how to live. I gladly accept your
apology and ask you in turn to forgive me. Goodbye! (He and Uncle Vanya kiss three times.) UNCLE VANYA
You will receive exactly the same as you did in the past. All will be as
it was before. (Elena
Andreyevna embraces Sonya.) SEREBRYAKOV (Kisses Maria Vasilyevna’s hand.)
Alexander, have your photograph taken again and send it to me. You know
how dear you are to me. TELYEGIN
Goodbye, your excellency! Don’t forget us! SEREBRYAKOV (Kissing his daughter.) Goodbye...
Goodbye all! (Giving his hand to Astrov.)
Thank you for your pleasant company... I respect your way of thinking, your
enthusiasms and passions, but permit an old man to introduce into his parting
speech a word of advice: We must get on with our task in life. Yes, we must get
on with the task! (He does a general
bow.) Goodbye! (He leaves followed by
Maria Vasilyevna and Sonya.) UNCLE VANYA (Kisses Elena Andreyevna’s hand fervently.)
Goodbye... Forgive me... We shall never meet again. ELENA ANDREYEVNA
(Touched. She kisses his head as
he bends over her hand.) Goodbye, dearest. (She leaves.) ASTROV (To Telyegin.) Go and tell them Waffles
to get my trap ready as well. TELYEGIN I’ll
do that, my friend. (He goes out.) (Astrov
and Uncle Vanya remain alone on the stage.) ASTROV (Clears the paints from his desk and puts
them in his bag.) Why don’t you see them off? UNCLE VANYA
Let them go... It’s too much for me. It’s hard. I’ve got to get myself
busy with something quickly... Work, work! (Rummages
amongst the papers on the table.) (Pause.
The sound of carriage bells.) ASTROV
They’ve gone. The professor no doubt is glad! Wild horse wouldn’t drag
him back. MARINA (Enters.) They’ve gone. (She sits in an armchair and knits a sock.)
SONYA (Enters.) They’ve gone. (She rubs her eyes.) Safe journey. (To Uncle Vanya.) Well Uncle, Let’s
start on something. UNCLE VANYA
Work, work... SONYA It’s
such a long, long time since we sat together at this table. (Lights the lamp on the table.) The ink,
it seems, is dry. (Takes the inkpot to
the cupboard and fills it.) I feel sad that they’ve gone. MARIA VASILYEVNA
(Comes in slowly.) They’ve
gone! (She sits down and buries herself
in her book.) SONYA (She sits at the table and starts leafing
through an account book.) First of all, Uncle Vanya, we’ll draw up the
accounts. They’re in a terrible mess. They sent for them again today. You write
in one book, I’ll do the other. UNCLE VANYA (He writes.) Account to... to Mr... MARINA (Yawns.) It’s time for bye-byes. ASTROV It’s
quiet. The pens scratch, the cricket chirps. It’s warm. It’s cosy... I’d rather
not leave here. (Harness
bells are heard.) They’ve brought the horses... That just leaves me to
say goodbye to you, my friends, to say goodbye to my table – then I’m off. (He puts the maps in his portfolio.) MARINA Why so
much rush? Sit around a while. ASTROV I
can’t. UNCLE VANYA (Writes.) Therefore of the previous bill
remains two hundred and seventy five... (Enter
a workman.) WORKMAN Your
horses are at the door Sir. ASTROV Very
well. (Gives him the medicine chest, his
bag and the portfolio.) Here. Take these. Mind you don’t bend the
portfolio. WORKMAN Yes
Sir. ASTROV Well
then... (Prepares to say goodbye.) SONYA When
shall we see you next? ASTROV Unlikely before the summer. In winter I doubt
it... But of course, if anything should happen, let me know and I will come. (He shakes hands.) Thank you for the
bread and salt and hospitality... in a word, for everything. (He goes to Nanny and kisses her on the head.)
Goodbye old one. MARINA Are you going without tea? ASTROV I can do without, Nanny. MARINA Perhaps a wee drop of vodka. ASTROV (Hesitantly.)
Perhaps... (Marina goes out.)
My right trace horse
seems to be limping. I noticed it yesterday when Petrushka led her to the
You’ll need to re-shoe her. ASTROV I’ll
have to drive to the smith in the village. I can’t put it off. (He goes up to the map of Africa and looks
at it.) Well, there must be a heatwave now in Africa. Terrible. UNCLE VANYA
Probably. MARINA (Returns with a tray with a glass of vodka
and some bread.) Help yourself. (Astrov downs the vodka.
Your good health. (Bows a low bow.) You should have a bite
of bread. ASTROV No, as it comes... So then, all the best! (To Marina.) Don’t bother to come with
me Nanny. There’s no need. (He goes out.
Sonya follows him with a candle to see him out. Marina sits down in her
armchair.) UNCLE VANYA (Writes.) Second of February palm oil twenty
pounds... Sixteenth of February ditto... Buckwheat flour... (Pause.
Harness bells are heard jingling.) MARINA He’s
gone. SONYA (Returns and places the candle on the
table.) He’s gone. UNCLE VANYA (Works out a sum on the abacus and writes.)
The sum total... fifteen... twenty five... (Sonya
sits and writes.) MARINA (Yawns.) Ooh. For my sins... (Telyegin
comes in on tiptoe and sits by the door. He quietly strums the guitar.) UNCLE VANYA (To Sonya, stroking her hair.) My dear
child, it is so hard for me! If only you knew how hard! SONYA What
can we do? We must go on living. (Pause.)
We will go on living. We’ll live through a long
course of days and endless evenings; we will patiently bear all trials,
whatever fate sends; we will work for others, now and in old age, not knowing
any rest, and when out hour comes we will humbly submit and die, and there,
beyond the grave, we shall say that we have suffered, that we wept, that it was
bitter for us, and God will take pity on us, and you and I Uncle, dearest
Uncle, will see a bright, a beautiful, a shining life and we will rejoice, and
we will look back on our present unhappiness with emotion and with a smile, and
we will find peace. I believe it Uncle, I believe it deeply, passionately... Kneels in front of him and puts her head on
his hands.In a tired voice.) We will find peace! (Telyegin
quietly strums the guitar.) We will find peace. We shall hear the angels, we
shall see all the heavens in diamonds, we shall see how all earthly evil, all
our sufferings are swept away by mercy which will fill by itself the whole
world, and our life will become quiet, tender, sweet, like a caress. I believe
it, I believe it... (Wipes away his tears
with her hankerchief.) Poor, poor Uncle Vanya, you are crying. (Through her tears.) You never knew
happiness in your life, but wait, Uncle Vanya, wait... We will find peace... (She kisses him.) We will find peace! (Outside
the workman beats on his board. Telyegin quietly strums; Maria Vasilyevna
writes on the margins of her brochures; Marina knits a stocking.) We will find peace! (The
curtain descends slowly.) |
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