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ANTON CHEKHOV The Cherry Orchard
Academic use of this translation is freely permitted, provided the customary acknowledgements are made. Amateur companies may use the text for a token fee. Please contact the translator at grledger@@oxquarry.co.uk ( Delete one of the @s ) G. R. Ledger, Jan 2015. |
comedy in four acts. ACT
country. An old ruined chapel, long since abandoned, beside it a well, some large
stones which evidently once were gravestones, and an old bench. The road
leading to Gayev’s estate is visible. On one side tall poplars mark the
boundary of the cherry orchard. In the distance a row of telegraph poles and
very far away on the horizon the outlines of a large town are dimly seen, outlines
which are only visible on very fine clear days. It will soon be sunset. Charlotte,
Yasha and Dunyasha are sitting on the bench. Epihodov is standing nearby
playing something melancholy on his guitar. Everyone is sitting thoughtfully.
Charlotte is wearing an old peaked cap; she has taken a rifle from her shoulder
and is adjusting a buckle on the strap. CHARLOTTE (Pensively.) I don’t have a proper
passport, I don’t know how old I am, although it always seems to me that I’m
young. When I was a young girl my parents used to travel to fairs and put on
shows, very good ones. I used do the salto
mortale jump and various tricks. When Papa and Mama died a German lady took
me in and started to teach me. It was fine. I grew up and became a governess.
But where I’m from or who I am I don’t know... Who my parents were, perhaps
they weren’t even married... I don’t know. (Takes
a cucumber from her pocket and starts to eat it.) I don’t know anything. (Pause.) I long to talk to someone, but
there is no one... I’m not close to anyone. EPIHODOV (Plays on a guitar and sings.) “What do
I care for the noisy world, What to me are friends or foes?”... How enjoyable
it is playing the mandolin. DUNYASHA It’s
a guitar, not a mandolin. (She looks in
her mirror and powders herself.) EPIHODOV For
one who’s crazy, who’s madly in love, it’s a mandolin... (He sings.) “Oh would that my heart was warmed, by a heart that
glowed for me...” Yasha
hums the tune. CHARLOTTE
These people don’t know how to sing. Faugh! They’re like jackals. DUNYASHA All
the same how wonderful to be abroad. YASHA Yes, of
course. I cannot disagree with you. (He
yawns, then lights a cigar.) EPIHODOV It
goes without saying. Abroad everything has long since reached its full state of
development. YASHA Goes
without saying. EPIHODOV I’m
an intelligent man, I read several remarkable books, but I cannot in any way
understand in what direction personally I should move, whether to live or shoot
myself, personally speaking, so none the less I always carry a revolver with
me. Here it is... (He shows the
revolver.) CHARLOTTE
Finished. I’m going now. (Puts the
rifle over her shoulder.) Epihodov, you are a very clever and a very
terrible man; women must love you madly. Brrr! (She walks away.) These clever people are nevertheless stupid, I
have no one I can talk to... I’m always alone, always alone, I have nobody...
And who I am, why I am, is unknown... (She
leaves unhurriedly.) EPIHODOV
Personally speaking, not touching on other matters, I must express about
myself, meanwhile, that fate treats me without mercy, like a storm with a
little ship. If, supposing, I am mistaken, then why this morning when I woke
up, to take an example, why did I look and see a spider of enormous size sitting on
my chest... As big as this (He indicates
with both hands). And then if I should pick up some kvass, to have a drink,
I look in the glass and there is something disgusting in the highest degree
there, like a cockroach. (Pause.)
Have you read Buckle[i]?
(Pause.) Dunyasha, Avdotya
Fyodorovna, could I trouble you for just a couple of words? DUNYASHA
Please speak. EPIHODOV I’d
like to speak to you alone... (He sighs.)
DUNYASHA (Embarassed.) Very well... But first go and bring me my
shawl... It’s near the cupboard... Here it’s a bit damp... EPIHODOV Yes
ma’am... I’ll bring it ma’am... Now I know what to do with my revolver... (Picks up his guitar and goes off strumming
it.) YASHA Twenty
two misfortunes! A stupid man, between ourselves. (He yawns.) DUYASHA God
forbid he should shoot himself. (Pause.)
I’ve become a worry guts, I’m always on edge. From when I was a little girl
I’ve always been with the gentry, I’ve forgotten how to live simply, and look
how my hands are white as white, like a lady’s. I’ve become tender and
dreadfully delicate, I’ve fine tastes, I’m scared of everything... It’s
terrible like that. And if you deceive me Yasha I don’t know what will happen
to my nerves. YASHA (Kisses her.) Peach! Of course, every
girl must look after herself, and I especially disapprove if a girl behaves badly.
love you passionately, you’re so educated you can talk about anything. (Pause.) YASHA (Yawns.) Yes, ma’am... To my mind, this
is how it is: if a girl loves somebody she must, obviously, be immoral. (Pause.) How pleasant to smoke a cigar
in the open air... (He listens.)
Somebody’s coming... It’s the master and mistress... Dunyasha
embraces him impetuously. YASHA You go
towards home, as if you were going to the river to bathe, go that way,
otherwise they’ll meet you and think that I’ve come here for a rendezvous. I
couldn’t bear that. DUNYASHA (Coughs quietly.) My head is aching from
the cigar smoke... (She leaves.) Yasha
remains alone. He sits down near the chapel. Lyubov Andreyevna, Gayev and
Lopakhin enter. LOPAKHIN You
must make a definite decision. Time will not wait. After all it’s a very simple
question. Are you willing to sell the land for dachas or not? Reply with just
one word: yes or no? Just one word. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Who is it here who’s smoking a disgusting cigar?... (She sits down.) GAYEV They
built a railway here and it’s been useful. (He
sits down.) We went to town for lunch... Red in the middle pocket... I’d
like to go home first, play one game... LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
There’s time. .. LOPAKHIN Just
one word. (Imploringly.) Just give me
a reply! GAYEV (Yawning.) What’s that? LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
(She looks inside her purse.)
Yesterday I had lots of money, but today hardly any. My poor Varya for economy
feeds everyone on porridge to save money, in the kitchen the old folk are given
dried peas, and I spend money without thinking... (She drops the purse and coins are scattered around.) Now it’s all
scattered... (She is annoyed.) YASHA Allow
me. I’ll pick it up. (He picks up the
scattered coins.) LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
If you’d be so kind, Yasha. And why did I go off to have lunch... A
wretched little restaurant of yours, Gayev, with music and tablecloths smelling
of the laundry... Why do you drink so much, Leonid? Why eat so much? Why talk
so much? Today in the restaurant once again you gabbled on and none of it to
the point. About the seventies, and the Decadents. And who were you talking to?
To talk to the waiters about the Decadents! LOPAKHIN Yes.
GAYEV (Makes a gesture of helplessness.) I’m
beyond cure, that’s evident... (Irritatedly,
to Yasha.) What is this? Why are you perpetually hanging round in front of
me? YASHA (Laughing.) I can’t hear your voice
without wanting to laugh. GAYEV (To his sister.) It’s either him or
Go away, Yasha, off you go.. YASHA (Gives Lyubov Andreyevna her purse.) I’m
off now. (He can scarcely prevent himself
from laughing. In French.) Immediatement.
(He leaves.) LOPAKHIN The
magnate Deriganov is planning to buy your estate. They say that he’s coming
personally to the sale. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Where did you hear that? LOPAKHIN
They’re saying it in town. GAYEV The
Yaroslav aunt promised to send something, but when and how much she’ll send we
don’t know... LOPAKHIN How
much will she send? A hundred thousand? Two hundred? LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Well... Ten thousand, fifteen, and we’d be grateful even for that. LOPAKHIN
Forgive me, such heedless persons as you are, so impractical and
other-worldly I have never met. I tell you in plain language that your estate
is going to be sold and you seem not to understand. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
But what are we to do? Tell us, what? LOPAKHIN I
tell you every day. Every day I say one and the same thing... The cherry
orchard and the estate must be divided up into dacha size plots for rent. And
it must be done now, as soon as possible, the auction is under your very nose!
Just understand that. As soon as you decide positively that there are to be
dachas then they will lend you money, as much as you wish, and you will be
Dachas, and dacha dwellers, pardon me, it’s all so vulgar. GAYEV Totally
in agreement. LOPAKHIN You
make me want to scream, or cry, or fall into a faint! I can’t bear it! You’ve
worn me out! (To Gayev.) You’re an
old woman! GAYEV What’s
old woman. (Starts to leave.) LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
(Worried.) No, don’t go, stay
here, dear fellow. I do beg you. We might think of something! LOPAKHIN What
is there to think about! LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
But please don’t go away. It’s somehow more cheerful with you here... (Pause.) I’m all the time expecting
something to happen, as if the house were going to fall down on top of us. GAYEV (Lost in
thought.) A cannon off the corner... The spot in the centre pocket... LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
It seems we are great sinners... LOPAKHIN What
on earth could your sins be... GAYEV (Puts a sweet in his mouth.) They say I
have used up all my inheritance eating boiled sweets... (He laughs.) LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Oh, my sins... I always squandered money recklessly, like a mad thing, I
married a man who could only run up debts. My husband died of champagne — he
drank appallingly — and unfortunately I fell in love with another man, went to
live with him, and it was just at that time, — this was my first punishment — a
blow straight to the heart — here, in this river... my little boy drowned, and
I went away abroad, I left entirely, never to return, never to see this river
again... I shut my eyes, I ran away, out of my mind, and he followed me... mercilessly, brutishly. I bought a villa near
Menton, because he had fallen ill
there, and for three years I had no rest either day or night; the invalid
tormented me, my soul dried up. Then last year, when the villa was sold to pay
the debts, I moved to Paris, and there he robbed me, threw me over, went off
with another woman, and I tried to poison myself... So stupid, so shameful...
Then suddenly I felt drawn back to Russia, to the country of my birth, to my
dear little daughter... (She wipes her
eyes.) Dear God, dear God, be merciful, forgive me my sins. Do not punish
me any more. (She takes a telegram from
her pocket.) This came yesterday from Paris... He asks for forgiveness. He
begs me to return... (She tears up the
telegram.) I think I hear music. (She
listens.) GAYEV That’s
our well known Jewish orchestra. Don’t you remember, four violins, a flute and
a double base. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Does it still exist? We should invite it somehow or other, arrange an
evening. LOPAKHIN (He listens.) I can’t hear it... (He sings quietly.) “And for money a
German, will make a Frenchman Russian.” I saw a wonderful play in the theatre
yesterday, it was so funny. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Probably there was nothing at all funny. You shouldn’t be going to plays
anyway, you should take a look at your own life more often. What grey lives you
lead. What a lot of unnecessary talk you spout. LOPAKHIN
That’s true. We must speak out directly, our lives are pretty foolish...
(Pause.) My father was a peasant, an
idiot, he understood nothing, taught me nothing, just beat me when he was
drunk, and always with a stick. In reality I am just such a blockhead and an
idiot. I learnt nothing, my handwriting is a disgrace, when I write something I
feel ashamed in front of people, like a pig. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
You should get married, my friend. LOPAKHIN
Yes... That’s true. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Why not to our Varya. She’s a fine girl. LOPAKHIN Yes.
She’s not complicated, she works the whole day, and most important, she
loves you. And you’ve liked her for a long time anyway. LOPAKHIN
Okay. I’m not against it... She’s a fine girl. (Pause.) GAYEV They’ve
offered me a post in the bank. Six thousand a year... Did you hear about it? LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
What on earth for! Stay as you are... Feers
enter carrying an overcoat. FEERS (To Gayev.) Please put this on, Sir,
it’s getting damp. GAYEV (He puts it on.) You’re a nuisance old
boy. FEERS Say
what you like... You went out this morning without telling me. (He inspects him thoroughly.) LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
You’ve grown so old Feers. FEERS What
can I do for you? LOPAKHIN She
says you’ve grown very old! FEERS I’ve
lived a long time. They tried to marry me, it was before your father was
born... (He laughs.) Then liberation
of the serfs came along, I was already the senior manservant. I did not agree
with the liberation, so I remained with the masters... (Pause.) I remember, everyone was so happy, but why they were happy
they didn’t know. LOPAKHIN
Everything was fine in the old days. At least they could thrash you. FEERS (Not having heard him.) Of course.
Everyone, the masters, the peasants, they all knew their place. Now all is at
sixes and sevens. GAYEV Keep
quiet Feers. Tomorrow I must go into town. They’ve promised to introduce me to
a general who might lend us something on a promissory note. LOPAKHIN
Nothing will come of it. And you won’t pay off the interest, you can
He’s just rambling on. There is no general. Enter
Trofimov. Anya and Varya. GAYEV Here we
all are then. ANYA Mother’s
(Tenderly.) Come here, come
here... My darlings... (She embraces Anya
and Varya.) If only you both knew how much I love you. Sit beside me, just
here, that’s right. (They all sit.) LOPAKHIN Our
eternal student is always with the ladies, I see. TROFIMOV It’s
none of your business. LOPAKHIN
He’ll soon be fifty, but he’s still a student. TROFIMOV Oh
do drop your asinine jokes! LOPAKHIN Why
are you getting so worked up you loony? TROFIMOV Just
stop pestering me. LOPAKHIN (Laughs.) Well permit me to ask you,
what opinion do you have of me. TROFIMOV This
is my opinion of you Ermolay Alekseyich: you’re a rich man, you’ll soon be a
millionaire. And just as in the case of natural metabolism, wild beasts are necessary
which eat everything that comes their way, so you are necessary as well. (All laugh.) VARYA It
would be better, Petya, if you spoke about the planets. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
No, let’s rather carry on with yesterday’s conversation. TROFIMOV What
was it about? GAYEV About
the proud man. TROFIMOV We
talked for a long time yesterday but reached no conclusion. In the proud man,
in your sense of the term, there is something mystical. Perhaps you are correct
in your interpretation, but if we consider the matter simply, without distractions,
what is the sense of being proud if we, as imperfectly made humans, are for the
most part gross, stupid and deeply unhappy. We need to stop admiring ourselves.
We need to work, it’s as simple as that. GAYEV All the
same we will die. TROFIMOV Who
knows. And what does it mean — to die? Perhaps men have a hundred senses, and
with death only those five that are known to us perish, but the remaining
ninety five stay alive. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
How clever you are Petya! ... LOPAKHIN (Ironically.) Incredibly! TROFIMOV
Humanity is marching forward, perfecting its strengths. Everything which
is at present unattainable for it at present will in the future become
reachable, understandable, only we have to work, to strive with all our power
to assist those who are seeking the truth. With us, in Russia, meanwhile, very
few people are working to that end. The vast majority of the intelligentsia
that I know are not seeking for anything, they do nothing and are completely incapable
of work. They call themselves intelligentsia but they speak rudely to their
servants, they treat the peasants like cattle, they study superficially, read
nothing serious, do absolutely nothing, only talk about science and have very
little understanding of art. They are all so serious, they all have stern
faces, they all talk about solemn things, they philosophise, and meanwhile in
front of their noses the workers eat appallingly, sleep without pillows, thirty
or forty to a room, and everywhere there are bugs, filth dampness, moral
uncleanliness... And it’s clear that all our fine talk is for one purpose only,
to distract ourselves and others from the reality. Tell me, where are the
nurseries about which we talk so fulsomely and frequently, where are the
libraries? They only exist in novels, in reality there aren’t any of them.
There is only dirt, beastliness and Asiatic conditions... I dread and I dislike
those awfully serious faces, I dread those serious conversations. It would be
better if we remained silent! LOPAKHIN You
know, I get up at five in the morning, I work from morning till night, I’m
always handling my own and other people’s money, and I see what people are
like. You only need to start doing something to find out how few decent and
honest ones there are. Sometimes when I can’t sleep I think “Lord, you have
given us vast forests, boundless pastures, limitless horizons, and living here
we should really be like giants... LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
You want to have giants... But they’re only good in fairy tales, and
even there they terrify you. Epihodov
walks across the back of the stage and plays sadly on his guitar. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
(Pensively.) There goes
Epihodov. ANYA (Pensively.) There goes Epihodov. GAYEV The sun
has set, ladies and gents. TROFIMOV Yes.
GAYEV (Not too
loud, yet as if making a speech .) Wonderful Nature, you shine forth with
eternal radiance, beautiful and impartial, you to whom we give the name of
mother, you contain within yourself both life and death, you create and you
destroy... VARYA (Pleading.) Uncle! ANYA Uncle,
you’re starting up again! TROFIMOV You’d
do better to pot the red into the centre. GAYEV I’ll be
quiet, I’ll be quiet. They
all sit down wrapped in thought. It is quiet. The only sound is that of Feers
mumbling. Suddenly a report is heard in the distance, as if from the sky, the
sound of a cable breaking, dying away and mournful. LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
What was that? LOPAKHIN I
don’t know. Perhaps a bucket or something has broken away in a mine, somewhere
far off. But very far away. GAYEV Or
perhaps a bird of some sort... Maybe a heron. TROFIMOV Or
(She shudders.) All the same,
rather unpleasant. (Pause.) FEERS Before
the disaster it was the same. The owl screeched and the samovar hummed all the
time. GAYEV Before
what disaster. FEERS Giving
freedom to the serfs. (Pause.) LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
You know, friends, we ought to be going, it’s already evening. (To Anya.) There are tears in your
eyes... What’s the matter darling? (Embraces
her.) ANYA It’s
nothing Mama, really, nothing. TROFIMOV
Somebody’s coming. A
tramp appears dressed in a battered white peaked cap and an overcoat. He is
slightly drunk. TRAMP Pardon
me, could you tell me, is it possible to get from here directly to the station?
may. Take this road here. TRAMP I am
very grateful to you. (He coughs.)
Splendid weather... (He speaks as if
addressing an audience.) Brother of mine, my suffering brother... Come thou
to the Volga, you whose groans... (To
Varya.) Madamoiselle, be so good as to give a starving Russian thirty
kopeks... Varya
is terrified and screams. LOPAKHIN (Angrily.) There are limits to
(In a panic.) Take this...
Here you are... (Looks in her purse.)
There’s no silver... Never mind, have this gold piece... TRAMP I am
eternally grateful to you. (He leaves.)
VARYA (Horrified,) I’m going... I’m going...
Ah, dear Mama, there’s no food to give the staff at home, and you gave him
What is to be done with me? I’m an idiot. At home I’ll hand it all over
to you. Ermolay Alexeyich, give me another loan would you. LOPAKHIN At
Come on folks, it’s time. And Varya, we’ve made all the arrangements for
you just now, I congratulate you. VARYA (Tearfully.) Please don’t joke about
such things Mama. LOPAKHIN Ochmelia,
get thee to a nunnery[ii]...
hands are shaking. It’s a long time since I had a game of billiards. LOPAKHIN Ochmelia,
oh nymph in thy orisons remember me! LYUBOV ANDREYEVNA
Come on folks. Time soon for supper. VARYA He
terrified me. My heart is thumping. LOPAKHIN I
remind you good folks, the cherry orchard will be sold on the twenty-second of
August... Think about it!... Think about it!... All
leave except Trofimov and Anya. ANYA (Laughing.) Thank you, tramp, you
terrified Varya, now we are alone. TROFIMOV
Varya is afraid that we might suddenly fall in love, and for the whole
day she won’t leave us alone. With her narrow mind she is incapable of
understanding that we are superior to love. To avoid all those petty and
illusory things which prevent us from being free and happy, that is the aim and
the meaning of our lives. Forward! We are marching irresistibly to that bright
star which flames in the distance. Forward! Do not falter, friends! ANYA (Clapping her hands.) How splendidly you
speak! (Pause.) It’s wonderful here
today. TROFIMOV Yes,
the weather’s marvellous. ANYA What
have you done to me Petya, why do I no longer love the cherry orchard as I used
to? I loved it so tenderly that it seemed to me that there was no place on the
earth better than our orchard. TROFIMOV All
Russia is our orchard. The land is vast and beautiful, there are many
marvellous places in it. (Pause.)
Think, Anya, your grandfather, great grandfather and all your ancestors were
serf masters, they owned living souls, and do not human beings look out at you
from every cherry in the orchard, from every leaf, from every branch, do you
not hear their voices?... To own living souls, it has corrupted you all, those
living in the past and now, so that your mother, you yourself, your uncle do not recognise that you are living
in debt, at somebody else’s expense, at the expense of those people who you
would not even allow over your doorstep... We have fallen behind at least two
hundred years, we have nothing, no intelligible relationship with our past, we
only philosophize, complain about boredom or drink vodka. It’s so obvious that
to begin to live in the present we must first redeem the past, and we can
redeem it only by suffering, only by exceptional and unremitting labour.
Remember that, Anya. ANYA The
house where we live has not been ours for a long time, and I shall leave it, I
give you my word. TROFIMOV If
you have a bunch of housekeeping keys, throw them into the well and just walk
away. Be free, like the wind. ANYA (In ecstasy.) How wonderfully you talk! TROFIMOV
Believe me Anya, believe me. I’m not yet thirty, I’m still young, still
a student, but I have already suffered so much! When it’s winter I am hungry,
ill, anxious, poor as a beggar, and — where has fate not driven me, what places
have I been! But despite that my soul has always been full, every instant of
the day or night, full of inexpressible expectation. I sense the future
happiness, Anya, I already see it... ANYA (Thoughtfully.) The moon is rising. Epihodov
is heard playing the same melancholy tune on his guitar. The moon is rising.
Somewhere near the poplars Varya is looking for Anya and is heard calling “Anya! Where are you?” TROFIMOV Yes.
The moon is rising. There it is, happiness, I see it, it is coming closer and
closer, I can already hear its footsteps. And if we do not see it, do not
recognise it, what does it matter. Others after us will see it. VOICE OF VARYA
Anya! Where are you? TROFIMOV
That’s Varya again. (Angrily.)
It’s unbearable! ANYA What does it matter. Let’s go down to the
river. It’s beautiful there. TROFIMOV
Let’s go. (They leave.) VOICE OF VARYA
Anya! Anya! Curtain
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